Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Blogs and Forums for Lawyers

Today most of the law firms as well as individual lawyers have their own websites and are engaged in online marketing. But have you ever thought why some of them are doing exceptionally well whereas others have faded into oblivion.The reason behind this is that while some know the tricks behind web marketing whereas others don't.

There are many factors affecting the popularity of a web page, for example SEO, Page Rank, Meta Tags etc but other than these there is also a simple way to make your website popular, by writing blogs and forums.

Having a blog is a sure shot way to increase your chances of indexation with search sites. by adding blogs and forums not only are you updating your content regularly but you are also inviting others to subscribe to your RSS feed and this my friend is what search engines are looking for. Moreover through blogs and forums you are communicating with others and this helps in increasing your social circle.

Another advantage of creating blogs and forums is that if suddenly search engines change their algorithm then there is a high possibility that your website's page rank may disappear and it has happened before; it was known as Florida Update; the time when Google changed its algorithm. In such cases blogs and forums are a life saver.

Blogging and forums will ultimately increase your chances of indexation, increase traffic and bring in new business but it is only possible if you are answering common legal questions of your readers and keep inviting others to join discussions.

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